US Government Warns of North Korean Hackers Exploiting Email Security Flaw

US Government Warns of North Korean Hackers Exploiting Email Security Flaw

Luisa Lopez
1 min read

North Korean Hackers Exploit DMARC Flaw to Conduct Convincing Phishing Attacks

The US government has issued a warning about North Korean hackers exploiting a vulnerability in the DMARC email protection system to carry out convincing phishing attacks. By abusing this flaw, the hackers can make their emails appear as if they are originating from legitimate sources, bypassing email filters. The targeted organizations are urged to strengthen their DMARC policies to mitigate these attacks and prevent potential security threats.

Key Takeaways

  • North Korean hackers are exploiting a security feature in the DMARC email protection system to conduct convincing phishing attacks.
  • The hackers are taking advantage of a flaw within DMARC, allowing them to impersonate journalists and academics and access sensitive information.
  • It is crucial for companies and organizations to enhance their DMARC policies to address and prevent such cybersecurity challenges.


The recent exploitation of the DMARC flaw by the North Korean state-sponsored hacking group Kimsuky highlights the critical need for heightened cybersecurity measures in the global landscape. The potential consequences of these attacks include reputational damage, financial loss, and possible national security risks, underscoring the importance of proactive defense strategies.

Did You Know?

  • DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance): DMARC serves as an email authentication protocol intended to safeguard organizations from spoofing and phishing schemes by leveraging SPF and DKIM protocols.
  • DMARC Policy Configuration: DMARC policies, indicated by the p= tag, offer three values: none, quarantine, and reject, each influencing email handling based on authentication results.
  • North Korean State-sponsored Group Kimsuky (or APT43): Known for conducting cyber espionage campaigns, Kimsuky exploits DMARC vulnerabilities, allowing their phishing emails to navigate email defenses and reach targeted inboxes.

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