CoinStats Unveils Degen Plan for Professional Traders

CoinStats Unveils Degen Plan for Professional Traders

Yekaterina Vasilievna Kravchuk
1 min read

CoinStats Launches Degen Plan for Professional Traders

CoinStats, a leading cryptocurrency portfolio tracker, has introduced a new service package called Degen Plan tailored for professional traders. The Degen Plan allows traders to track up to 500 portfolios and manage a transaction history of one million, along with unlimited daily syncs and VIP support in under 60 minutes. The plan is priced at $62.91/month, with discounts available for yearly subscriptions.

CoinStats, established in 2018, provides valuable insights and real-time tracking for over one million monthly active users across 300 wallets and exchanges, supporting all major cryptocurrency platforms and DeFi protocols.

Key Takeaways

  • CoinStats introduces Degen Plan, designed for professional traders, offering advanced features and premium support.
  • The plan allows tracking of up to 500 portfolios and manages a transaction history of one million, with unlimited daily syncs.
  • The Degen Plan is priced at $62.91/month, providing an enhanced experience for dedicated cryptocurrency traders.


The launch of CoinStats' Degen Plan is indicative of the increasing demand for advanced analytics tools and services in the booming crypto trading landscape. The plan is strategically positioned to cater to the needs of serious traders and is likely to contribute to CoinStats' revenue growth and market expansion.

The surge in the crypto market has led to the proliferation of traders seeking more sophisticated tracking solutions, prompting the introduction of the Degen Plan. This development may trigger enhanced competition among portfolio tracking platforms and drive a shift towards premium services in the market.

The introduction of the Degen Plan could also foster collaborations between CoinStats and other industry players, while prompting competitors to elevate their offerings to stay competitive. Furthermore, the advancement in portfolio tracking tools is expected to facilitate more informed and efficient trading within the crypto space.

Did You Know?

  • Degen Plan: A specialized service package offered by CoinStats, tailored to professional traders, enabling advanced portfolio tracking and management.

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