Apple's Upcoming iOS Update Introduces Advanced AI Features

Apple's Upcoming iOS Update Introduces Advanced AI Features

Xavier Silva
2 min read

Apple's AI Features Coming to iOS: What You Need to Know

In the next iOS update, Apple is gearing up to introduce advanced AI features, aimed at enhancing Siri's capabilities within the Messages app. These features, powered by Apple's large language model, Ajax, will also include an "Intelligent Search" for Safari, allowing users to summarize webpages. Notably, while on-device processing will handle simple responses, more complex requests may necessitate server assistance, potentially from Google or OpenAI. Furthermore, Apple is committed to prioritizing privacy, as it plans to display privacy warnings before utilizing information from Safari or Messages. Although no official announcements are expected at the upcoming iPad event, Apple enthusiasts can anticipate learning more about these AI features at the Worldwide Developers Conference on June 10th.

Key Takeaways

  • Apple CEO Tim Cook has confirmed the imminent arrival of AI features on iOS.
  • Siri will have the ability to analyze and summarize texts within the Messages app.
  • The AI features will be powered by Apple's large language model, Ajax, with on-device processing for simple responses.
  • Apple is exploring potential partnerships with Google and OpenAI for more intricate requests.
  • Emphasizing privacy, Apple plans to provide warnings before using information from Safari or Messages.


The introduction of advanced AI features in iOS, focusing on Siri's capabilities and driven by Apple's large language model, Ajax, is poised to significantly impact both the tech industry and users. This move may prompt competitors like Google and Samsung to bolster their AI offerings. For Google and OpenAI, potential collaborations with Apple could yield revenue, but may also engender increased reliance on a single client. Users can anticipate improved functionality and enhanced privacy, with on-device processing potentially setting new standards for data security. Nevertheless, the long-term implications for cloud-based AI services remain uncertain, as users may grow accustomed to the convenience of on-device processing. Overall, Apple's AI advancements signify a transformative shift in the tech landscape, with potential ramifications for user experience, data privacy, and industry competition.

Did You Know?

  • Ajax (Apple's large language model): Ajax is a natural language processing (NLP) model developed by Apple, akin to OpenAI's GPT-3 or Google's BERT. It is designed to analyze and summarize text, such as conversations in the Messages app, and belongs to the category of large language models, which are deep learning algorithms trained on extensive textual data to comprehend, generate, and summarize human-like text.
  • On-device processing: This term refers to a device's capacity to execute tasks locally without relying on cloud-based services or external servers. In the context of Apple's AI features, on-device processing ensures that simple responses generated by Ajax are computed directly on the user's device, resulting in quicker response times and heightened privacy.
  • Privacy warnings: These are alerts displayed to users when their personal information is on the verge of being utilized by an application or service. In this instance, Apple intends to present warnings prior to using information from Safari or Messages, underscoring its commitment to user privacy and transparency. Through this mechanism, users can make informed decisions about sharing their data and gain a better understanding of how their information is being utilized.

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